Here's a page out of January's InStyle magazine to prove that celebs everywhere are already showing off their patterned legs this year. If you hurry you can get in on the action too.
Blame it on Balenciaga's Fall runway where models traipsed down the aisle wearing draped skirts and velvet dresses layered over black polka dot hose.
Patterened tights are a key accessory but be sure not to over accessorize. Don't mix busy patterned tights with patterned dresses or you'll have a big mess. Subtle is always best. Take your cue from the gals pictured here.
For extra snug support check out Spanx tights with Birdseye pattern at Neiman Marcus, $42. http://www.neimanmarcus.com/store/catalog/prod.jhtmlitemId=prod63650292&eItemId=prod63650292&cmCat=search&searchType=MAIN&parentId=&icid=&rte=%252Fsearch.jhtml%253FN%253D0%2526Ntt%253Dspanx%252Btights%2526_requestid%253D27130